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Biographies of 19th C Wend Immigrants

The Wendish Heritage Society Australia is preparing brief biographies of Wends who emigrated to and settled in Australia during the 19th Century. As they are compiled, the biographies will be added to this website.

Most of the biographies included here originally appeared in Tom Darragh and Rob Wuchatsch’s book From Hamburg to Hobsons Bay, German Emigration to Port Phillip (Australia Felix) 1848-51, published in 1999.

The information included in these biographies was obtained from various sources, including shipping and naturalization records; birth, deaths and marriage; land records; newspapers; and local and family histories. Source notes have not been included, however, please contact us for further information.

Those wishing to provide draft biographies for possible inclusion on this website are invited to forward biographies of up to 500 words to Rob Wuchatsch., however, the Wendish Heritage Society Australia reserves the right to edit/include biographies as it sees fit.